Sunday, July 5, 2009

The weakest lock

Some of you might know this picture from my presentations with Ali about physical security. It's all about the weakest link or the weakest lock. There are 2 to 3 refrigerators in every kitchen in the hostel in Hagenberg. You can see it in the next picture. All the students have their own box where they can place their drinks and food. The box can be locked with their key from their room. I can't remeber it exactly but I think it's a Winkhaus lock with some side-pins to add security to the lock. 

As you might have noticed, the Winkhaus lock is not the problem. There's a really easy to pick lock with just about 3 pins on the left side of the fridge that is protecting the whole refrigerator. While opening the boxes, of course non-destructive, could take a while, opening the door for all boxes together would be matter of seconds. Not the best situation for the students but good for our environment - you shouldn't keep the refrigerator open for too long anyway.   

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